Successful scholarship recipients announced!

Successful scholarship recipients announced!

The PGA Institute recently named the successful scholarship recipients for 2024, with six new students accepting the opportunity to study the Diploma of Golf Business and Management.

Recently updating its flagship course offering, the PGA Institute’s refreshed Diploma of Golf Business and Management better reflects the current industry, while continuing the PGA Institute’s focus of providing the only nationally recognised qualification in the golf industry.

Three of the scholarship recipients will be undertaking their studies on campus at the PGA Learning Hub in Sandhurst, while three students will be studying online.

Two on the new online students were awarded the PGA Institute Regional Scholarships, while one student was awarded the International Scholarship.

Goodluck to all new students with their studies, and welcome to the PGA Institute!


Diploma of Golf Business and Management – on campus

Zentis Meehan-Laurins

Nick Scalpi

Jedd Di Nardo


Diploma of Golf Business and Management – online

Regional Scholarship:

Justine Fennell

Andrew Lacey

International Scholarship

Emmanuella Luita